Monday 12 December 2016

Weekly News.

PERV SNARED   Dark Justice paedo vigilantes snare pervert trying to meet ’13-year-old girl’ for a ‘kiss and a cuddle’ – watch video of dramatic moment.

This article is about Stephen Bateman who is 24 year old and the way he uses Facebook to have online sex with underage girls. Despite adding the girls and peading guilty he was still set free.
Prosecutors accepted his guilty plea on the basis he intended to "kiss and cuddle" with the girl but no further sexual activity.

Judge Rippon sentenced Bateman to 18 months in prison, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and ten year sex offender registration. The judge said Bateman's lack of previous convictions, his immaturity, vulnerability and low intellectual capacity meant the jail term could be suspended.

The reason I chose this story was because the way in which he was just set free, despite the fact that he didn't meet the girl but he intended to and she was underage. There is so much stories about young girls getting kidnapped and raped and grudges are allowing borderline sex offenders to walk free based on the face he is 'vulnerable' and 'immature' the same way these little girls are also and they are the most at risk. Its shameful how they put drug dealers away to do long sentences talking about making the streets safer but allowing a man with intentions to 'kiss and cuddle' underage girls free.

Sunday 4 December 2016


Weekly news.

'MURDERED BY A MIGRANT' Teen daughter of senior EU official who volunteered at a refugee home is ‘raped and murdered by an Afghan asylum seeker'.

This news article is about a young girl who was raped in the city of Freiburg near Germany’s border with Switzerland, on her way home from a party. The 17 year old was a volunteer at a local refugee camp in her spare time and the daughter of EU official Dr Clemens Ladenburger. There was no reason found yet about the reason behind her murder but a young boy aged 17 was arrested in connection to the murder in which he confessed to but denied the rape charges, her body was found in a near by lake.

I choose this news article because of the way in which The Sun a right wing news paper put migrates in a negative way by highlighting the fact her rapist was a migrant also the way that she was helping out at a refugee camp. This is the representation of ethnicity, by putting Afghanistan's in a bad light it gives more of a reason for people to vote against allowing migrants into the UK linking to the fact that The Sun is a right wing paper. Those who are reading the picture would be influenced by this as they would feel that by letting asylum seekers into the country themselves, friends and families would be in danger.

Its disgusting the way that someone would be so heartless to rape someone that is taking time out to help those in need especially if they are there to help you and your people. In a sense it gives people more of a reason not to want migrates into the UK.