Monday 20 March 2017

Weekly News.

Man, 21, who admitted raping a 12-year-old girl walks FREE after a judge agrees 'she looks over the age of 16'.

The source for my weekly news this week is Mail Online.
It is about a man 21 although he was 19 when this incident happen who was sex free after he admitted to raping a 12 year old girl. Cieslak, 21, met the victim and her mate, who were aged 12 and 13, in a taxi queue in Edinburgh after a night out in the summer of 2015 and went back to a party with them thinking they were 16 and 17. They later on went back to his flat and had sex, she left early the next morning. He was sex free on these bases from the judge:
Taking into account that all witnesses on the night thought the victim was over 16, that Cieslak was told she was 16 and with no signs of distress, Lady Scott said: 'Your criminal culpability here is wholly restricted to the application of strict liability within this offence.
'That is in marked distinction to other reported cases under this statutory provision, which have involved conduct involving assault or recklessness or force, or the absence of consent or have resulted in distress to the victim - all of which are factors which raise the need for punishment.
'In addition, there is no suggestion here of predatory conduct or grooming or manipulation or deception.
'I do not consider there is any need for, or public interest in, punishment. To do so would in my view be disproportionate given the nature of the criminal culpability here.
'Nor do I consider there is any basis for, or real public interest in, requiring your notification under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
'Considering all of these factors I have reached the conclusion that justice is best served in this case by taking the wholly exceptional decision not to sentence you and instead I discharge you absolutely.
'As a result, the requirement of any notification does not arise under the relevant statutory provisions.
This news story has actually broken my heart to read the fact that the man was just set free, no sort of punishment and he pleaded guilty. Fair enough she lied about her age but she is still young and vulnerable probably haven't even had her period yet.


Tuesday 14 March 2017

Question 3

Using your own detailed examples, discuss the representation of contemporary issues in the media.  
A detailed example of a representation of contemporary issues in the media is the story which the BBC news online posted about a young woman name Chanelle Higging who was left for dead after she was involved in a hit and run where the car mounted on the pavement hitting her and her best friend in West Norwood in May 2016.  She was left paralyzed and has minimal upper body movement and has to use a wheel chair. This article highlights the danger that can be apposed to those who drive whist using a mobile phone and not concentrating on the road. The BBC has presented this article in a way to make the audience feel sympathetic for Ms. Higging and enlighten others of the severe implications that it can cause. Throughout the media real life events are used to show the different issues that is going on in society not only in peoples everyday lives but also in things like the health care. An example of this is when The Mirror on the 4th of March posted an article about a woman, Mandy Park, who begged more than 100 times in the space of 9 days for help for her daughter Hannah who suffered from mental health and was suicidal but was dismissed by the mental heath workers.  The Mirror states In the UK the number of ­women taking their own lives has grown steadily since 2011. But while mental health issues make up 23 per cent of contact with the NHS, it received only 13 per cent of the funding. And since 2011 the number of beds for mental health patients has fallen by 8 per cent. Last month Mandy, a former ­support worker for deaf children, was awarded £260,000 in an ­out-of-court medical negligence settlement from Southern Health Trust. This shows the lack of help that many people with mental health gets especially women, as a result of the many take their lives, many head of government and right wing people are trying to make the NHS private which means they work to portray the NHS in a negative way which will influence the readers to think that it is bad agree to make it private. One issue in the media today is the representation of women within social media. On a majority women are preserved to have slim bodies, long hair, perfect skin which makes those who are reading magazines feel insecure about themselves and try to aspire to look like them.  Many young teenage girls feel that they should change the way they look in order for them to fulfill the view that the media has on how girls should look, the media is controlled by the dominant ideology who show the things that they find attractive and want people to look like. A famous example of this is the OK magazine who often sexualize woman who try to suggest that females are worthless and nothing but sexual objects. This would have a negative impact on the audience as following the hyperdermic needle theory, the information may be injected into them causing them to feel less confident within themselves. As social media and technology plays a big part in todays society it is hard for women to escape these 'rules' of the standards of women.

Monday 13 March 2017

Weekly News.


Fury as California cop is caught on camera brutally beating unarmed suspect and threatening witnesses with his gun.

This weekly news is about an incident occurred on Friday afternoon in Vallejo, California, at a petrol station after police responded to a 911 call reporting a man acting “crazy”. Witnesses claimed the first officer chased the unarmed suspect for several minutes until he gave up and sat in the road, KPIX reports. The heavily tattooed officer then allegedly shoved the man to the ground before attempting to put him in handcuffs, witnesses claim. Video then shows the cop beating the man on the ground as the suspect repeatedly screams “I am God, I am God!”. Someone off camera can also be heard yelling “police brutality” before the officer pulls out his gun and tells them to “get the f*** back.” A witness, told KPIX: “The kid surrendered. The cop, on the other hand, came up right behind him and he was tired too.

The Sun portrayed this article in favour of the police authorities, implying that there was a reason for the way in which the police officer acted and that he is innocent until proven guilty. They authorities even had the audacity to put the man in prison for resisting arrest and is awaiting trial. This story doesn't surprise me as police officers has be abusing their power for a very long time now although the news papers has stopped to report them recently.
This shows the representation of issues, the issue of police officers being aggressive to black civilians, as well as the representation of ethnicity, the police officer being white and the man being arrested black.

Monday 6 March 2017

Weekly News.


‘Off-grid’ parents whose child took a wee live on This Morning visited by social services after ‘vindictive trolls’ voiced concerns over children’s welfare.

My weekly news is about these parents who were attacked on twitter because they do not take modern methods of looking after their children. Also the couples youngest child had taken a wee on the studio floor, instead of a regular nappy the pair use cloth ones for their daughter. The couple revealed that their six-year-old son Ulysses was illiterate and was still breastfed, and that they let the children play barefoot in woodland as their ‘education’.
Viewers were horrified by their children’s behaviour, and accused them of raising “feral children” as they clambered over the sofas and made animalistic noises as the adults spoke.
One tweeted: “These 2 are f***ing mental!#OffGridParenting weirdos eating random leaves down the park,the garden is disgusting and the kids are feral!”
Another said: “I think when your kid p***es live on TV and then jumps on the couch you probably have to rethink your parenting strategies #offgridparenting.”

Personally I feel that everyone has the right to raise theit children how they want, the children didn't seem to be harmed in anyway and looked happy. Everyone has different methods in raising their children and the only reason that the media had such horrid things to say is because the children are not raised in the modern way as everyone else.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Demographics and Psychographics.