Wednesday 22 November 2017

Gone too far analysis.

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The movie Gone Too Far! (2014) Dir. Destiny Ekaragh Writ. Bola Agbaje is a comedy drama with themes of romance, crime and masculinity. It consists of a main element which all films need to progress and that is conflict. The film only consist of two main settings and the and surrounded the lives of roughly six characters such as: OC Ukeje, Adelayo Adedayo, Shanika Warren-Markland and Malachi Kirby. which is inevitable by the £200,000 budget that they had which is low for a film.

The elements of masculinity was shown throughout the film though the use of the main character Yemi who had represented like a tough and "cool" male, like most of the other male characters to show dominance, he was also very independent. Also Tosin Cole who played Razor had the masculine image as though he was a 'bad man' who was in charge of the estate and had the girl that everyone wanted. He was represented as the guy that every boy wanted to be like and all the girls wanted to be with, this is a main representation of a male character throughout different movies. Due to the lack of funds, the directors and producers were unable to really push the story line one which made the movie seem as though it was repetitive.

A low-budget film or low-budget movie is a motion picture shot with little to no funding from a major film studio or private investor. Many independent films are made on low budgets, but films made on the mainstream circuit with inexperienced or unknown filmmakers can also have low budgets. Many young or first time filmmakers shoot low-budget films to prove their talent before doing bigger productions. Many low-budget films that do not gain some form of attention or acclaim are never released in theatres and are often sent straight to retail because of its lack of marketability.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Weekly News.

Recently within many different industries, a lot of people have been coming out with sexual harassment allegations from men of power. It is clear to show that these men abuse their powers as they think they will get away with it as they mainly target vulnerable individuals, also they have the money and connections to cover up their tracts to enable them to get away with it.

Rebel Wilson has used Twitter to recount experiences of harassment in the film industry.Recently, The Pitch Perfect actor Rebel Wilson has claimed that one “male star” who was in a “position of power” pushed her to go into a room alone with him. When reported to the directors and those in charge of the company they told her that she should 'be nice' .This shows that many of these companies know about the sexual assault but keep it on the low to maintain business which I feel is disgusting.

She wrote: “I feel lucky that I grew up in a pro-female environment, going to an all-girls high school, and that I have such a strong sense of self and have taken self-defence classes. I had the ability to escape both incidents. I realise not everyone is as lucky. The main question is why do these men in power feel the need to go for these vulnerable girls when there is opportunities to for fill there sexual desire when there is many opportunities else where?

The litany of revelations detailing abuses of power in the entertainment, political and artistic worlds was triggered by a New York Times report in October that accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexually assaulting several women. House Of Cards actor Kevin Spacey is also facing investigation in the UK amid allegations of harassment and assault. Spacey responded to allegations that he made unwelcome sexual advances towards a 14-year-old actor, saying he did not remember the incident but if it did happen it was likely “deeply inappropriate drunken behaviour” for which he sincerely apologises. Allowing this to be an excuse for sexual assault to a minor is astonishing, the industry has voided safe guarding of children in order to maintain profits. Finally many people are having the courage to come forward to expose these people and companies are putting on a act as if they didn't know in order to once again maintain profits, for example the Weinstein brothers getting ride of Harvey as if they didn't know to make themselves look good. There has been approx.. 26 'powerful players' who have been accused of sexual assault or harassment

This links back to the topics of masculinity and exploitation of women, these men are using their masculine powers to oppress these women and make them victims of their sexual urges. Also by targeting women who are at the peak of their career enables them to have power over them as they will be the ones to develop their carrers and these girls do not know any better than to just stay quiet.There needs to be more actions taken against these allegations, because these men feel as though it is acceptable to do these things. Within society many only listen to people once they are successful or famous. There are a lot of women who are at the struggling stages of their career who talk about these things but no one will listen to their story.


Monday 13 November 2017

Production Draft.

The main aim of my music video is to present Black women in a positive way and not sexualise them, giving them the representation of being carefree and happy. Not only that but representing them in a way that they are not supressed by the media and are comfortable within their own skin. I want my video to not have a story behind it but portray these elements in a way which flows together.

Main colours used;
  • Orange
  • Yellow                    
  • White                                       
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Green
The use of only bring colours shows happiness and joy, which is what I feel as though not black women but all women should feel within. It also makes the music video more aesthetically pleasing  as its vivid and eye-catching. The element green would come from a setting e.g.. a park or the woods. A way to combined all the colours is by shooting a part of the music video in a skate park or a place with loads of graffiti also linking to the carefree aspects of my music video.

Elements where college is involved.

The use of the field.
Green room
use of some cool equipment's

Using Solange as one of the main back stone to creating my music video. The use of scenic backgrounds and bright colours to show happiness and joy, representing how they feel about being black. Also a scene with white clothing to show purity and innocence. The use of the freeze frames in the beginning I will incorporate into my music videos as it is a good way to capture emotions. The different shades of melanin adds elements of unity as its different shades coming together.

The use of a balcony scene with the main protagonists on top to show power as they have been oppressed for so long.

Places to record.

  • A car park
  • A skate park/park
  • Some blocks 
  • Canery Whalf  

     These pictues as refernce of camera angles i can use to capture both power, happiness and unity.