Tuesday 12 December 2017

Weekly News.

Is everything as it seems in the Jungle?

Insiders reveal that the celebrities do get a few luxuries in the jungle to keep them going such as fizzy drinks and glucose. Although many other aspects such as their living conditions are as they seem, and the do go from A-class to D-class celebrities, living in a traitorous jungle. What can be said for certain is that there is the large amount of bugs there is, in 2013 there was 250,000 cockroaches, 2.5M mealworms, 500 rats and 20 small crocodiles.
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Many critics argue that what is shown on television is not all that it is seem, they are allowed to go and live in hotels and they are allowed to have normal everyday food. The celebrities makes in seem as though they do not know what they're getting themselves in for but in reality every celebrity who is considering taking part is sent a pack including a DVD so they know precisely what they’re letting themselves in for. They’re invited to meetings where executives tell them just how tough it will be - the executives call it - ‘The Talk Of Doom’. Each Celebrity is allowed to have three sets on underwear and swimwear.

In my opinion i feel as though not everything is as it seems, it is known that all media is constructed and this should could be adapted in order to make it appealing to the audicne: The show does appeal to a wide viarity audence based on the content and the context it holds. Personally I do not watch the show as i feel it is very repetitive each year just with different celebrities. However I like the idea of take the celebrities out of their comfortable lives and throwing them into the deep end where they now have to eat live animals.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Weekly News.

This weekly news is about Kem and Amber, the winners of Love Island revealing their separation to the public after a 132 days relationship. The split stemmed from a series of arguments that they have been having due to their new formed fame and busy schedules.

The Daily Mail being a Right Wing Paper emphasises the short term status of their relationship by putting it into days, as may conservatives feels as though relationships should be formed in a respectful and what they would deem as a 'normal' way. Due to the couple finding love in a villa after four weeks may people frowned upon the show because of may of the sexual context that it held and they though that being with someone for four weeks is not a reasonable time to 'fall in love' with someone. The news paper has covered many of the stories to do with this show in a negative light, from calling the starts 'self-obsessed' to slanting celebrities about having sex on national television.

There has been many support going out to Amber from fans telling her to 'Stay strong' but what about Kem? They both admitted that it was a mutual decision for the couple to split but many news papers not only the Daily Mail has been reporting this article with support to Amber.  There has been mixed emotions about their break-up, many wishing they would get back together whilst others claim that it is inevitable that they would split up, the relationship was fake and only for the money and fame. The couple is one of three from the show who has recently announced their split, what a coincidence?

I feel as through many people glorify public relationships too much and in a sense idolise them when in reality they are just like everyone else and it is normal for them to break up and have arguments. It is weird for all three of them to announce their break up within the same week, as it is to be known that the industry does things behind closed doors maybe it was part of the fine print for them to stay together for a certain period of time after the show.