Wednesday 23 November 2016

Print base and Visual Analysis.

  Meghan Trainor- Dear Future Husband.

This music video of all the normal stereotype of what is expected of women, for example being in the kitchen cooking and cleaning all day long. It is a representation of what the media poetry women to be good for although Meghan Trainor has added a spin to this norm by saying how she wont cook, clean, have sex and stay at home all day, she shoes that women can get jobs and work just like men and how they are not always dependent on men for things. This enables females watching this video to relate or give them the sense of independence to rise above being oppressed by men. Also it shows that men should treat her with respect and the way she is supposed to be treated and nothing less, they should know how to treat her like a lady no matter what. The colours and theme used is represented of the 1900's which in those days women were expected to do all the house wife chores.

Angus, thongs and perfect snogging poster.

This is a poster which is advertising a new movie it has the main protagonist sitting on the floor with loads of different symbolic things floating behind her to represent her thoughts. By having the main subject of the poster being a young girl it will attract the audience of teen girls as they would be drawn to it as they can relate making them want to go watch the film. There is pictures of boys, friends, her cat, school and many others, this is all things that many young female think about on a daily basis as it is apart of everyday life. It has loads of bright colours making it aesthetically pleasing and eye catching to the whoever happens to walk past it.


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