Sunday 29 January 2017

Weekly News.


Sir Mo Farah CAN return to US as Boris Johnson wins assurances over Trump’s Muslim ban after Olympic hero feared telling his kids ‘he might not be able to come home’

My weekly news is about Sir Mo Farah having the fear that he wouldn't be allowed back in the US, as he is from one of the 7 banded countries set by Trump. The British Olympic champion said he feared he would have to tell his four children that "Daddy might not be able to come home" as he slammed Trump's Muslim ban as being born of "ignorance and prejudice".
This story has really upset me as it is sad to think that people are banned from a country based on where they come from, no one chooses to be born in a certain country. People shouldn't fear that they wont be able to return to their families and separated from them, this is one of the basic human right taken away from people.

Monday 23 January 2017

Weekly News.

'We're ashamed of what we did to ourselves' 

Twins who spent £150,000 on plastic surgery to ensure they were ‘identical’ reveal they ‘regret it all’

My news article which was taken from The Sun is about twins who spent £150,000 on plastic surgery to ensure that they looked exactly like each other. They made sure that all surgeries that they had were the same from breast implants all the way to eyebrow and eyeliner tattoos.
However the twins now say that they regret it all and are going for a more natural and healthy look. They said: “What we thought was pretty... we find ugly now.”
The twins have sort treatment for their body dysmorphia and are now taking antidepressants, they are also taking steps to restore their original looks. Although they are reluctant to go back under the knife the pair have kept to their strict skincare regime which includes face masks, leg masks, body scrubs and body brushes.
Personally I think that they went over the top with the surgeries that they had although I could understand the insecurities that they may of had and thought that this was the best action to take. Society and the media is a main aspect as to why these girls and many go and have surgery.
In the interview Lucy said: “We look for flaws in each other every day.”
She also explained that if one of them even has a spot, they will refuse to leave the house for the day. This really emphasises and brings to reality the struggles many girls face each and everyday.

The effect that this has on the audience is that it is a real eye opener, it highlights the real dangers of plastic surgeries and the problems it can cause. For any female reading this article and considering surgery then this could possibly change their minds or make them reconsider.
Lucy said: “We're ashamed about what we did to ourselves, but we're owning it and embracing our diagnosis.”


Sunday 15 January 2017

Weekly News.


Mum’s fury after ‘autistic’ seven-year-old son is held in a small padded ‘CELL’ by teachers after ‘misbehaving’ at school.

My weekly news this week is from The Sun, it is about a little boy aged Seven who suffers from autism and has a heart condition and was locked in a room the size of a cupboard at school because he was 'misbehaving'. Year three pupil Lewis was locked in a patted room which was described to resemble a cell for 10 minutes as he climbed over a table, teachers say that they took actions like that for his own safety. When his grandmother came to pick him up she says that he had on no socks, shirt and he was kicking at the door aggravated. His mother Charlene was furious as she never agreed to this sort of discipline and they put her child's health in danger.

I personally was disgusted by this story as a school should be a safe place where children learn and many adults leave their kids in the care of school assured that their child would be safe. For a school to treat a child in such a malicious way and putting his health at risk is unacceptable especially since he has an heart condition and the way in which the dealt with the situation was unprofessional. No child should be treated in such manor and if a teacher is unable to deal with a child in a respected way then they shouldn't be teachers because they would be jeopardizing the trust of many parents.
This story deals with the representation of age as the child was young which means that the teacher could mistreat him without him being able to defend himself as much as he is vulnerable. Also the issue of disability, Lewis suffers from autism and teachers dealt with him as though he was a criminal or a type of animal by locking him up in a room.

Monday 9 January 2017

Weekly News.

'it’s racist against travellers'  

Two traveller women shamed online for shopping in Tesco in their pyjamas brand their male critic ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’.

This article in The Sun is about the way in which two traveller women were shammed for going to a local Tesco in their pyjamas at 7pm at night. The two argue that they had only just gone to collect milk for a young baby and some food, they had already out on their pyjamas and didn't think anything of it. Another customer photographed them saying how she was disgusted by this and that Tesco should 'ban people like this from their stores'.
“I’m disgusted that a man has taken our picture and put it online asking for Tesco to ban people wearing their pyjamas.
“We are travellers and we feel like it is sexist and racist." Says on of the travellers.

Personally I agree with this because everyone should feel comfortable to go out in whatever they want as long as it is not too explicit, we live in the 21st century and everyone should be able to express themselves however they want.  For someone to shame them like that is disgusting and they should be shopping minding their own business. The two wasn't harming anyone and just shopping like everyone else, I have seen many people go out in their pyjamas at all hours of the day as though its normal. I think that they were targeted because they were heard to not speak English which made them easy targets.
The issues of race and gender were shown throughout this article, the fact that it was seen as disgusting for them to go out in their pyjamas but in their culture it is seen as norm so the fact that someone of another culture to call that disgusting is outrageous. Also they were both females which somewhat sexualises them because if it was men the it wouldn't be made such a big deal.