Monday 9 January 2017

Weekly News.

'it’s racist against travellers'  

Two traveller women shamed online for shopping in Tesco in their pyjamas brand their male critic ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’.

This article in The Sun is about the way in which two traveller women were shammed for going to a local Tesco in their pyjamas at 7pm at night. The two argue that they had only just gone to collect milk for a young baby and some food, they had already out on their pyjamas and didn't think anything of it. Another customer photographed them saying how she was disgusted by this and that Tesco should 'ban people like this from their stores'.
“I’m disgusted that a man has taken our picture and put it online asking for Tesco to ban people wearing their pyjamas.
“We are travellers and we feel like it is sexist and racist." Says on of the travellers.

Personally I agree with this because everyone should feel comfortable to go out in whatever they want as long as it is not too explicit, we live in the 21st century and everyone should be able to express themselves however they want.  For someone to shame them like that is disgusting and they should be shopping minding their own business. The two wasn't harming anyone and just shopping like everyone else, I have seen many people go out in their pyjamas at all hours of the day as though its normal. I think that they were targeted because they were heard to not speak English which made them easy targets.
The issues of race and gender were shown throughout this article, the fact that it was seen as disgusting for them to go out in their pyjamas but in their culture it is seen as norm so the fact that someone of another culture to call that disgusting is outrageous. Also they were both females which somewhat sexualises them because if it was men the it wouldn't be made such a big deal.


  1. i like the article you choose because people have the free will to do as they please

  2. Good use of CCCEO, pictures, the source, good grammar and spelling but a few minor mistakes such as "if it was men" rather than "if it were men".
