Wednesday 11 October 2017

Weekly News.


My weekly news is about T.I speaking up about the accusations that has been made against former rapper Nelly, on how he sexually assaulted a young lady in his hotel room. As he was in the barbers getting his hair cut, he says:
     ''After Mike Tyson, after motherfuckin’ Tupac, after all the other motherfuckers who done been with girls and the girls got mad for whatever reason and left off and said that they raped them or whatnot, what the fuck ever happened when a motherfucker find out that the bitch was lying, my ni**a? What consequences is there for this young lady? We take ours.” '' 
He is implying the fact that its not fair that these girls are able to make these serious accusations against these rappers and are allowed to walk free when they have many consequences to deal with. Many of these rappers loose their families and jobs when these are made, jeopardising a lot for them and their families. Society has allowed it to be normal for girls to resort to accusing rappers of rape or sexual assault as on a whole they do not have any consequences for their actions. Most rappers have meetings in their room as it is more easy and convenient for them because they wont have to leave their hotel to conduct them, this makes it more easy for all these girls to make the accusations as the setting is inappropriate. 
   But, if we find out that this wasn’t true, what the fuck happen to her?I’m sick of this shit. I’m just saying. We ain’t no motherfuckin’ targets. Get your shit together.”

On the other hand, many men in power abuse their status and take advantage of young girls as they know that these girls are less likely to report them because of who they are or they know that they have the money to help with their case. These girls are also very vulnerable as they are like the attention that they are getting from these famous people and feel as though they are unable to report them as they think they wont be believed due to the nature of the situation. Also, the media shows girls as sex object to these men giving them the idea that this is acceptable behaviour for them to deal with and condone it.

In my opinion, i feel as though what T.I has said within his video is true as it is not fair that they are allowed to be falsely accused for things they didn't do and the perpetrators are allowed to walk away free. The fact these girls sometimes feel that they are not able to report to the police when they have been sexually assaulted buy these rappers and the media is to be blamed for this.
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  1. Tionne, this is an interesting story as everybody else seems to be on the victims side. I think that you need to contextualise this story with the other cases across the media industries.

    You could have used this space to discuss society genre roles, masculinity, the representation of black males in the media.

    Think and write in deeper terms, contextualise your weekly news. Think about how you can link it to your three key areas of study Music, Film & TV but also always about Representation and Audience.

  2. Remember to add what representation the story comes under and also credit the source.
