Monday 12 December 2016

Weekly News.

PERV SNARED   Dark Justice paedo vigilantes snare pervert trying to meet ’13-year-old girl’ for a ‘kiss and a cuddle’ – watch video of dramatic moment.

This article is about Stephen Bateman who is 24 year old and the way he uses Facebook to have online sex with underage girls. Despite adding the girls and peading guilty he was still set free.
Prosecutors accepted his guilty plea on the basis he intended to "kiss and cuddle" with the girl but no further sexual activity.

Judge Rippon sentenced Bateman to 18 months in prison, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and ten year sex offender registration. The judge said Bateman's lack of previous convictions, his immaturity, vulnerability and low intellectual capacity meant the jail term could be suspended.

The reason I chose this story was because the way in which he was just set free, despite the fact that he didn't meet the girl but he intended to and she was underage. There is so much stories about young girls getting kidnapped and raped and grudges are allowing borderline sex offenders to walk free based on the face he is 'vulnerable' and 'immature' the same way these little girls are also and they are the most at risk. Its shameful how they put drug dealers away to do long sentences talking about making the streets safer but allowing a man with intentions to 'kiss and cuddle' underage girls free.

Sunday 4 December 2016


Weekly news.

'MURDERED BY A MIGRANT' Teen daughter of senior EU official who volunteered at a refugee home is ‘raped and murdered by an Afghan asylum seeker'.

This news article is about a young girl who was raped in the city of Freiburg near Germany’s border with Switzerland, on her way home from a party. The 17 year old was a volunteer at a local refugee camp in her spare time and the daughter of EU official Dr Clemens Ladenburger. There was no reason found yet about the reason behind her murder but a young boy aged 17 was arrested in connection to the murder in which he confessed to but denied the rape charges, her body was found in a near by lake.

I choose this news article because of the way in which The Sun a right wing news paper put migrates in a negative way by highlighting the fact her rapist was a migrant also the way that she was helping out at a refugee camp. This is the representation of ethnicity, by putting Afghanistan's in a bad light it gives more of a reason for people to vote against allowing migrants into the UK linking to the fact that The Sun is a right wing paper. Those who are reading the picture would be influenced by this as they would feel that by letting asylum seekers into the country themselves, friends and families would be in danger.

Its disgusting the way that someone would be so heartless to rape someone that is taking time out to help those in need especially if they are there to help you and your people. In a sense it gives people more of a reason not to want migrates into the UK.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Story board

Sunday 27 November 2016

Weekly News.


Viral picture of pensioner, 80, selling fire wood to pay off his dead wife’s medical bills sparks GoFundMe campaign.

This weekly news was very heart warming to me, it was about an old man Kenneth who lost his wife to cancer recently and has been left with a big bill to pay for his wife's medical bills. One day a lady drove past him and saw this, took a picture of him and it went viral, due to this his sons 'GoFundMe' campaign raised over $60,000 which was more than enough to pay off the bills.

She added: “My heart breaks every time I pass him. He waves at every single car that passes.”

The reason I choose this news article because it shows that there is hope for humanity and there is still good people out there despite all the horrible stories you hear. It shows the big difference that can be made within society when everyone works together and the power of the media, how one Facebook post can make such a good impact one old mans life.
However we live in a world where loads of people are selfish and is only looking out for themselves which makes stories like this one all the more special.

In comparison to this story of An unconscious and bleeding woman was left in a road as several drivers swerved to miss her in south-east London, at least 12 drivers drove around her as she suffered from serious head injuries and her head in the gutter. Although the stories are different it would be expected for people to stop and help a woman who is critically injured.

I think that it is very heartless for people to just leave the woman at the side of the road as if she was worthless to die, both stories are from different places in the world which shows the different morals they have.

 I can't believe people would just drive past. I'm shocked and confused as to why people wouldn't stop to help a fellow human being!
Steven, Newcastle Uk

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Print base and Visual Analysis.

  Meghan Trainor- Dear Future Husband.

This music video of all the normal stereotype of what is expected of women, for example being in the kitchen cooking and cleaning all day long. It is a representation of what the media poetry women to be good for although Meghan Trainor has added a spin to this norm by saying how she wont cook, clean, have sex and stay at home all day, she shoes that women can get jobs and work just like men and how they are not always dependent on men for things. This enables females watching this video to relate or give them the sense of independence to rise above being oppressed by men. Also it shows that men should treat her with respect and the way she is supposed to be treated and nothing less, they should know how to treat her like a lady no matter what. The colours and theme used is represented of the 1900's which in those days women were expected to do all the house wife chores.

Angus, thongs and perfect snogging poster.

This is a poster which is advertising a new movie it has the main protagonist sitting on the floor with loads of different symbolic things floating behind her to represent her thoughts. By having the main subject of the poster being a young girl it will attract the audience of teen girls as they would be drawn to it as they can relate making them want to go watch the film. There is pictures of boys, friends, her cat, school and many others, this is all things that many young female think about on a daily basis as it is apart of everyday life. It has loads of bright colours making it aesthetically pleasing and eye catching to the whoever happens to walk past it.


Monday 21 November 2016

Weekly News.

BIKINI WARS: ' I’m A Celebrity beauties Ola Jordan and Lisa Snowdon strip off to bikinis for racy shower scene'

The story I choose was about Ola Jordan and Lisa Snowdon being shown in the paper having a shower in their bikini after a long day of challenges. The article then goes on to talk about their diet and how they maintain their body.

This article to me is shameful they way how The Sun has found a way to sexualise women from something so innocent like washing off their body after a long day, which they have no choice to do as they are stuck in the jungle. In a way this article makes lady seem as they are just supposed to be sexualised because out of all the aspects they could have chosen to write about they choose to write about them being in the shower downgrading the value of women.

I feel as though this article will appeal to  men but make women feel self-consensus about their body as they might no look like this and have this type of body.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Weekly News.

'I'M A DRUG ADDICT' X Factor star Honey G admits to taking cocaine, ecstasy, magic mushrooms and weed after sexual assault at college led to drug addiction

This story is about Honey G revealing that she was once a class a drug addict back in her early years, her addiction started when she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted during collage. The reason why I choose this article is because the Sun portrayed her to be some type of victim to her drug addict which in favour will make the X Factor not have a negative light shone onto the show. It could be seen that both the paper and television show have been working together so that it doesn't look like the show allowed a drug addict onto their showing giving them bad critics from audience loosing them viewers. 

On the other had, this article could really help others who have been addicted to drugs and feel as though they have lost any chances of making a better life and following their dreams and not allowing their past to affect their future and by her doing something positive it gives others the hope to do something better.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Weekly Blog.


£3.5million stash of drug Spice found in two cells in crisis-hit prison.

5kg of synthetic cannabis was found in a cell in HP Northumberland which was seen to be worth around £3.5 million and the street value is seen to be ten times more than that. Officials say that it is the biggest drug find in the UK, this was able to take place due to the pre-preparation and organisation. Police are undertaking an investigation.
This relates to media as its opening the public to things that they may not find out otherwise as people don't have an insight to prisons. It may also appeal to some of the audience the news paper write for.
I chose this article because I feel that some people may be shocked from reading this article as they feel that prisons are made to prevent people from omitting crimes but a large drug smuggle happened within a prison. It shows the lack of power that authorities really have over inmates. To add, its not that surprising to me because things like this the government really know about but they act oblivious and now and again put it in the news paper.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Weekly News.

'I'm flat-chested on one side but lucky to be alive' 

A woman has been left with one 32DDD boob after her nipple piercing caused her to have a deadly infection.

Nikki Belza has been left with only one 32DDD after her nipple piercing got caught on her work shirt and ripped her nipple off. The young lady thought nothing of it until the morning of her birthday when she woke up to excruciating pain under her left arm and collapsed at work, she was quickly rushed to hospital where her temperature was 104F, three times above the normal human body. Prior to her infection her husband had a throat infection which she then developed Streptococcal, the bacteria caused her body to for a deadly blood posing that lead to her left boob tissue raging forcing doctors to remove the implant to save her life. 

Nikki was left with just one large breast after contracting deadly SepsisNikki, a cocktail waitress, said: “I was absolutely devastated to be left with only one boob, I am now completely flat-chested on one side, but I know how lucky I am to be alive"

When she was first sent to the hospital the doctors thought nothing of it as they thought it was to do with her previous nipple surgery but when her temperature raised to 104.3F the following day then discovered that he had sepsis. Her white blood cell as 44,000 the highest her doctor has ever counted. Belza was facing a life and death situation and the only way for her to survive was for her left boob to be removed. After nine weeks she is still recovering and hopes to soon get new implants.
Nikki was left completely flat-chested on one side                                          This relates to media as it is such a wide network which means that somewhere in the world someone could be acing the same or similar situation and can relate. It can also educate people of the dangerous of breast implants and the implication of it and opens eyes of different women and how they should be careful with these things.
I choose this article as we live in a generation where a large amount of people are always trying new things to improve their bodies and make it look in a certain way that the media portrays their body should look without showing the problems it can cause. This article will really open the eyes of many females and encourage them to do full research on body mortification.


Monday 10 October 2016

Weekly News.


I fear I’m settling for my boyfriend because I am 27 and this is my first serious relationship

                                  ‘If it’s not going to work, wouldn’t it be easier to end it now?’ (Posed by models)

This news article is about a young woman who has only been in her first serious relationship 18 months ago and her doubts of wanting more with him like marriage and children. She is scared about settling with him as he is the first man she has seriously been with, she doesn't want to end things and have to deal with the regret.

This article relates to media as there will be many people out there dealing with the same problem and can relate. Also she will be able to get advise from many different people about her problem and come to a conclusion. The media is a good way to broadcast issues that other people may be going through and help you deal with yours.

The reason why I choose this article because in society and the media in the generation I live in, it is normal for people to be in relationship from around the age of 13, the idea of some of the age of 27 to be experiencing her first relationship so 'late' is not seen as norm.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Character Profile.

Name: Shakira Malian Davis.
Date of birth: September 15th.
Origin: Sudan.
Occupation: Retail Assistant.
Shakira is an 18-year-old girl who lives in South London, Brixton in an estate with her mother and two younger siblings. She originates from Sudan but moved to London when she was 3 years old with her mother’s for a better lifestyle. Her father died when her mother was 7 months pregnant with her, he was shot in the head by the Sudan authorities. She went to the local school and college and has excellent grades but due to the lack of money and opportunity she’s unable to go university to pursue her dreams of being a Criminologist. At the age of 14 she was abused by her step-father (her younger siblings father) who was convicted three years later, she now suffers from anxiety. She has no friends, although the son of a well-known business man has got his eyes on her. Deep down she is very bubbling, outgoing and adventurous, she enjoys drawing and singing. Her favourite colour is Pink

Sunday 2 October 2016

Weekly News

Coach Crashes into a 8 year old elephant.

A coach which was travelling from Bangkok to Chiang Mai who crashed into an eight-year-old Bull who was stranded in the road. The coach was travelling at approximately 60 mph and skidded for about 30 yards capturing the elephant under its front tires. The elephant died instantly.  One of the foot collided in the windshields critically injuring the driver.


This relates to media as its a story which will interest a group of people and media is there to create things which will appeal to everyone. Also this will help me to think about creating things to suit a wide range of different people and not only the common set. And a good case study for later on.

Friday 16 September 2016

60 Second Video

60 Seconds Video


News Article

News Article

The article was about Model Blac Chyna not being allowed to enter ‘Dancing with the stars’, instead she had to walk to a security booth where she then resolved the situation and was allowed to go and support her friend Amber Rose.
This relates to media as many of the stories covered in many Magazines, Newspapers, Television shows and may more means of media are to do with the lives of celebrities. This is because many people are interested in the latest gossip of what’s going on in their favourite celebrities lives and what they are getting up to, which means that by the media covering it they will get the attention, money of their different audience. Also the different types of media use different things in order to attract their audience whether it being a woman with an amazing body in a swim suit to a well built body builder drinking a shake as they know it will appeal to people making them want to buy it. It could also be a case study used and it is a form of media.
In addition, this relates to the media course as many of the work we may do will be looking at how media uses the stories of celebrities to influence the reader. The way in which different types of media portrays different celebrities and the stories they choose to right about them as they know what many opinions people have on celebrities come from the media and what they are shown.